A couple of weeks ago someone left on the chat wall questions in regards to Kroger. I just received a email back. Enclosed see response.
Dear Amy:
Thank you for contacting the Kroger Co. The manager does have the ultimate authority over coupon usage. Here is a copy of our basic coupon policy:
Double Coupons:
Manufacturer coupons of $.60 or less will be "Doubled".
Manufacturer coupons over $.61 will be redeemed at face value.
Up to Eight (8) coupons will be "Doubled" per Identical or "like" item per shopping visit. Any additional manufacturer coupons for that "like" item will be redeemed at face value.
This Does Not apply to "Free", Kroger, Catalina, Retail Food Store coupons, Electronic Coupons on the Kroger Plus Card or items prohibited by law.
Pharmacy Coupons:
Does accept Competitor Pharmacy coupons.
Cannot use LCM or Competitor Coupons in conjunction with the $4 Generic Program.
General Coupon Policy:
Limit one (1) manufacturer coupon per item purchased.
Limit one (1) store coupon per item purchased.
One (1) manufacturer and One (1) store coupon can be used on the same item.
Coupons cannot be used on "Free" items.
Does Not accept coupons that are expired.
Amount refunded cannot exceed the cost of the item.
The store manager has the right to accept, decline, or limit the use of ANY coupon upon view.
The store manager has the right to limit the Quantity of coupons/items used/purchased in a single transaction, by a single customer, or in a single day
Customer is responsible for tax on all items even "Free" items.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this please feel free to contact us at 800-576-4377.
Have a great day!
Justin White
Consumer Affairs

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Kroger in Hernando has imposed some new rules for internet coupons. They will not accept internet coupons for over $1.00. They will not accept internet coupons for free items. These are just a few of the restrictions. The new rules are posted at each and every check-out lane. When I went there this week, the cashier told me they did not accept any internet coupons. I insisted she check with the manager, who told her that they do take internet coupons, as long as they are not for over $1.00. Then the cashier acted rude to me through the entire transaction, wouldn't even make eye contact when she gave me my change. This was not my first unpleasant experience there where coupons and/or incorrect pricing were involved. I will take my business to the Kroger in Horn Lake where they are friendly to couponers.
Wow. I'm glad I read this. I live in Senatobia and tend to do some grocery shopping at the Hernando Kroger since it is the closest. I guess I will now hit up Horn Lake Kroger as well.
Just got home from the Poplar Plaza Kroger. All of my internet printed coupons were denied. The manager said Kroger does not accept internet printed coupons any longer. I will be looking for another Kroger to shop at.
Wow! This is great information. I am trying to do the whole coupon thing and I am glad I saw your posted information before I went to the store. I have a friend who lives in Florida and she goes to Publix, from what she says they match prices, you can stack coupons and they give you deals like spend $50 get $10 back. She loves it, can not speak highly enough of it.......wish we had one of those here :(
I am so confused about the 10 for 10. DO I have to buy 10 of something that says 10 for 10? I can't find a reasonable explanation anywhere. Please help a fellow Memphis mommy! Thanks!
Hi there thanks for hte question NO YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BUY 10! It is really strange they call it that as they offer alot more than 10 items, you can just buy 1!!!! Only when it is a buy ten save $5.00 do you have to actually buy 10~!
Thank you Memphis Mommy. It was really hard keeping all my 10 for 10 things in one corner of the shopping cart lol. I'm guessing this is some kind of money making thing. I sure was fooled. You've already saved me a bunch of time and money at Kroger (Germantown) so thank you again!
I think each Kroger does whatever it wants and they really need a corporate policy. My husband took our $5 Pedigree dog food, valid toward any size and at checkout, he was only given $3.99 credit because the food was on sale. I guarantee Kroger got reimbursed the entire $5 from Pedigree. It infuriates me! Wish I had been there to fight for the overage, but he won't. I suppose I'm fortunate that he will take coupons at all because he absolutely hates it! Kroger has never done this before. We always got face value of the coupon in the past. I just wish I knew what the store's real policy was. i don't think they even have one.
Kroger eCoupons
If you give them your card last, it will still take your ecoupons off. Try it.. It may work!
I have a question. I have gotten some different answers from different people. It appears in the coupon policy you can not use a coupon on a "free" item. So does this also apply to B1G1 sales? Since there are two items, can I use two coupons? Does Kroger only allow 1 coupon since the second item is free?
Example item is B1G1 at $3.99. Can I use two $0.55 off coupons (that double to $1.10) to make it $1.79?
Had bad experience at the Olive Branch Kroger. They wouldn't let me use my ecoupon b/c the value was more than the price of the item I was buying. Now had bad experience at Arlington Kroger. They did not give me face value of my coupon b/c item was on sale and coupon was 70 cents more and then on my 4th item they manually entered the coupon for a lower amount and the sale price was more than the coupon. Ugh!! Having bad luck with Krogers.
I just went to Kroger in Memphis (Poplar Ave) and they wouldn't let me use my $1 coupon on a box of tampons that was on sale for .99. They said that they do not accept coupons for more than the price of the item. Usually they adjust it down, or at least I thought that's what they did. The coupon policy was posted at each register, but it didn't say anything about not accepting coupons for more than the price, or adjusting coupons down. Does anyone have any information regarding this hidden policy?
This is not a coupon BUT it is a good money saver. I get to do it about 25% of the visits I make to Kroger and the Kroger employees normally dont know the policy, you have to ask and you have to be firm. If you have an item ring up a different price from the shelf price you are suppose to get that item for FREE up to $5.00. If the item is over $5.00 they are to give you a gift card for $5.00. I was just in the Atoka Kroger this weekend and purchased the Tri-color bag of peppers that was marked on the shelf for $4.49. When I got to the register it rang up $4.99. I ask the clerk to check the price and I was right, I said I get that for free. She didnt know the answer and ask the clerk behind, he said no only if it shows on your receipt. So I said if I didnt say anything and wait for you to ring up and then ck my receipt and find difference then I get it and he said yes. I said no, called the manager over and he confirmed what I had said. All you have to do is go to customer service and they have the scan rate guarantee posted. It is worth the look. Hope this helps.
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